May Contain Food May Contain You returns in 2024!

Protein is back on tour with May Contain Food May Contain You

From February 2024, we’ll be taking our acclaimed cabaret style, food related immersive duet to an arts centre or rural venue near you.

Transforming your local venue into a restaurant, take a seat at decorated tables to watch, savour and digest a playful mix of dance, theatre and songs that unfolds around you. Your charming, multi-talented hosts will win your affections with dance and humorous monologues. With interludes including baking a cake and trying your luck in a raffle, this sumptuous gathering promises to make you smile and enjoy the curious relationship we all have with food. You’re welcome to bring along you’re own food to eat and share, something you have made, grown or bought…something with sentiment.

This popular adaptation of Protein’s May Contain Food features design by Yann Seabra, lighting by Jackie Shemesh and original music by Orlando Gough.

This tour is partly supported by Rural Touring Dance Initiative and include performances of May Contain You, a dementia friendly adaptation  for care homes and lunch clubs.

#MayContainFood #proteindance #ruraltouring #danceincarehomes


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