Reflect – Claire Smith

Ahead tomorrow’s launch of Border Tales, part of Rural Touring Dance Initiative’s Share a Show season, this week’s Reflect celebrates our continuing desire to make and tour work in rural areas.

Claire Smith, Project Manager at RTDI, shares her memories of working with Protein on the rural adaptation of May Contain Food (which turned into the duet May Contain Food May Contain You) in 2016 and The Little Prince in early 2020. 

“What was very evident from the get-go was that you [Protein] had a real passion for taking the work out to people that had never seen contemporary dance before and that you wanted it to be the very, very best that it could possibly be.”

We are delighted to fulfil our commitment to bringing theatre experiences to rural communities and with Border Tales for the very first time – especially now as their local venues are closed and touring is suspended.

Click here to watch Border Tales from 9-15 October 2020. 

Thank you Claire and all the RTDI partners; National Rural Touring Forum, The Place, Take Art and China Plate, for believing in Protein’s work and for your ongoing support!

Protein 21 Reflect zones in on people who have been associated with the company since the start.

#Protein21 #BorderTales #TheLittlePrince #MayContainFood #RuralTouringDanceInitiative

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