May Contain You is a dementia-friendly performance and aims to intrigue, surprise and delight people for whom a trip to the theatre is ordinarily difficult.
The performance takes place within the dining hall or lounge, with furniture set around a central performing space. The dancers, dressed as waiters, welcome the residents and invite them into their ‘pop-up restaurant’ offering up trays of tinned food such as custard and rice pudding as well as an array of fruit and vegetables to stimulate conversation about food memories, likes and dislikes.
The show gradually emerges from this informal gathering and weaves anecdotes offered up by the audience with dance duets, songs and live music punctuated with cups of tea and jam tarts.
Using dance, singing and the familiar subject of food we offer older people and opportunity to connect with others.
Running time: approx. 60 minutes including tea and jam tarts
#MayContainYou #ProteinDance